You don’t know the video decoder test
Sep 19,2023
Since h.264 has greater complexity and non-linearity compared with mpeg-2, the test of video decoder is always daunting. The decoding process depends on an infinite number of content, and it’s almost impossible to meet a particular content through random interoperability tests.
Use the tools to systematically test the consistency of your grammar. The commercial conformance data stream will complete each of the syntactic elements in the complete standard, each time a fragment is executed. The system data stream tests the parts of the standard separately, using the tools to reduce the complexity so as to make the test results as explicit as possible. First – class test tools can be exact to specific equations or table Numbers to show which elements are not decoded correctly.
Use tools that can clearly show the results of qualified and unqualified tests. Consistent data streams can clearly show the consistency or disqualification of results, so any parameter disqualification in any test can be distinguished from later processing or display differences. First – class testing tools should support the “black box” validation method in the most ideal conditions, so that the finished product test can be completed quickly. The expansion of the error, the built-in reference value, and the visible prompt can greatly accelerate the test process.
Make the test as short as possible, so that the design can be tested frequently, even during the simulation. The long test sequence may be helpful for the performance of the test decoder, but it is impractical for applications that are not in real time simulation. An ideal consistency data stream can test a parameter thoroughly in just a few frames (part of a second, in real time).
Use testing tools early in the design to reduce development time and avoid costly duplication. The test vector with good reference data can specify the uncertainty in the standard, thus speeding up the early test process.
Test the entire product, not some components. Even if each component has been tested and assembled, the interaction between hardware, software, and system timing is likely to produce previously unanticipated problems.
Reverse – shenzhen Haiwei technology co., LTD., engaged in professional audio and video hardware and software technology development, application and service of high and new technology, have made a number of patents in the field of video coding and transmission, the main hd audio and video codec, streaming audio and video capture card, embedded audio and video equipment, wireless image transmission type, etc., welcome to inquire: 13631455134.